Sunday, August 21, 2011

Peach and White Chocolate Chip Muffins

I had been eyeing this recipe on Tasty Kitchen for a few days and decided to make it for my staff for during their fall training. I figure if anyone is being forced to sit and listen to me talk for 4+ hours, they earn muffins.

Here is the pretty batter before I mixed in the chocolate and peaches! I am going through a phase right now of eating frozen peach slices right out of the bag. I highly recommend it. Especially if you are too cheap to buy fresh ones.

Glaze action shot. I made the glaze from some pear juice and powdered sugar. It was awesome.

In an attempt to get a good glaze pouring shot, half of the glaze ended up on my tray and I am not sure if it will ever come off since I let it dry and then forgot my tray in my office for the weekend... But it was worth it since these muffins were that good!

<3 Hannah

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