Saturday, August 13, 2011

Chicken Piccata

I felt the need to make a fancy dinner after Chris got a flat tire and his mirror hit off within a couple hours of each other. We were at Costco and I saw a massive jar of capers and it was a great deal so I bought it so I could make chicken piccata which is chicken cooked in lemon, capers, and olive oil.

I dredged the chicken in a little flour and cooked it in some olive oil and butter (super healthy, I know)

After it was browned I added the lemon juice and capers and let it simmer for a while. I doubled the amount of capers it called for since I had a giant jar and knew that I would be picking them out of the pan and eating them the whole time.

Chris' grandparents donated this bottle of wine to us and we have been waiting a long time to drink it!

The wine aerator my mom gave me because she had two. I don't usually buy nice enough wine to be able to tell the difference when I use it, but it is so much fun I don't care!

Dinner! I made asparagus with lemon and pepper, and Chris made garlic Parmesan bread!

Close up! I <3 capers. I don't know who thought of pickling flower buds, but they were a genius!
<3 Hannah

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