Friday, August 26, 2011

The Most Amazing Coffee Cake in The WORLD

Today was the last full day for our Housing and Dining summer office assistants who are these two adorable students, both named Sarah. In honor of them being awesome I made this Pioneer Woman recipe for incredible coffee cake. It is honestly the most delicious thing I have ever made.

Don't be jealous of my 5 dollar Walmart hand mixer... All I can do is whip egg whites with it since it starts smoking and going painfully slow if I try and mix anything more than that!!

Before the oven!! Over the next 40 minutes the cake part will bake up around the cinnamon chunks and get all poofy and wonderful

OH MY GOD. This is after it came out of the oven and the cinnamon sunk down so it was all throughout the coffeecake.

Have you ever seen anything so beautiful?? It was such a hit it was almost gone before I could even put it down!
<3 Hannah

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